Female boudoir photos are very common these days.
How about male boudoir shot? Can we call them truly boudoir? Men don't sit in parlors and admire themselves in bras and panties in front of a mirror. Unless you know what I mean... wink wink...
A boudoir shot has to say " I am sexy" to the viewer.. Without being vulgar. Sometimes it is in the eyes. Sometimes it can carry a edgy message. A successful boudoir/glamour shot has to create a certain emotion in you. when a photographer achieves this, then gender becomes less important. To me boudoir means just sexy. Point finale.
I have photographed many masculine clients. Some will stay in archives and they will never be shown to public.
When I have the occasional model release from session, I proudly share.
I often get inspired from current news. My clients inspire me. My own experiences inspire me.