Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ilhan Karabacak & Hera Bell. The Infumous Duo Of Creativity... 7 Years After

Seven years later. Voila... The fruits of my reunion with infamous Cirque Du Soleil dancer Ilhan Karabacak. When we get together we create fire. Because we are both highly passionate about what we do.

Warning: The images are highly powerful. Follow the red link below to your own risk...

Ode To Innocence By Hera Bell Copyright 2013

Ode To Innocence by Montreal Portrait Photographer Hera Bell from Montreal Photographer Hera Bell on Vimeo.

Studio Hera Bell, Montreal portrait photographer, Montreal Boudoir Photographer, Montreal glamour photographer, Montréal Hera Bell, Black nude model Montreal fashion photographer

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cropping Or Not Cropping by Montreal Glamour Boudoir Portrait Photographer Hera Bell

I rarely crop any of my images. I come from the old school of compose everything in your camera.

However I got tempted to crop this actual image.

It was shot with a Canon 5D Mark III. A 22 MPG full frame camera.

And voila, the cropped version. I see the room's and my reflection in her eyes.

Studio Hera Bell, Montreal portrait photographer, Montreal Boudoir Photographer, Montreal glamour photographer, Montréal Hera Bell, Black nude model Montreal fashion photographer

Friday, November 8, 2013

Modern Version Of Adam & Eve by Montreal Portrait Photographer Hera Bell

Everything has a symbolic reason to be in this image.

Adam has an apple iphone in his hands. There is a red apple sitting next to him on the steps.
The red apple's color is reflected on Eve's red corset representing the sin.
The door number on the building is 666 which the devil's resident.
Eve has the allure of a seductive street worker.
Adam is pensive. Did he bite the apple already? Or what is he thinking?

My version of the situation of male and female relationships which originates from Adam & Eve.

Studio Hera Bell, Montreal portrait photographer, Montreal Boudoir Photographer, Montreal glamour photographer, Montréal Hera Bell, Black nude model Montreal fashion photographer

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Old But Classic Boudoir... by Montreal glamour boudoir portrait photographer Hera Bell

From my B&W negative photography era. It was shot at available light with Kodak 3200 ISO.  Negative was sandwiched under the enlarger with lens cloth and exposed in my old wet darkroom. Scanned later.

 From my very early photography, 1998 about.  Anyone who had visited my old studio had seen a canvas print of it as a 20"x30" on the wall. Classic boudoir in its purest form. No bra and panties posing on a hotel bed. She was a well known sommeliers wife.

 I had created an AV depicting my first contact print and some of the stories behind my images. If you are curious to see and read please visit the AV located on YouTube.

 My Very Early Photography from 1997

Studio Hera Bell, Montreal portrait photographer, Montreal Boudoir Photographer, Montreal glamour photographer, Montréal Hera Bell, Black nude model Montreal fashion photographer