Sunday, October 2, 2016

H2O CANADA Montreal Portrait Photographer Hera Bells Upcoming November 2016 Photography Exhibit

 A Photographic Collection of Canadian Waterscapes by Hera Bell

 It is still.  It rages.  It ebbs and flows.  It trickles gently; it roars.  It meanders, yet with purposeful objective.  It quenches, cleanses, and refreshes.  It is an essential life force within us and around us.  Water.
  Welcome to Hera Bell's H2O Canada, a photographic journey of our country's water sources in various forms, captured through the lens of a photographer critically acclaimed for her edgy, erotic imagery.

 In her third exhibit at the Centaur Theatre's Ted T. Katz Family Trust Gallery, Bell conveys the majesty of our waters with breathtaking splendour.  In signature Hera Bell style, the images in this display are luscious and sensual, seductive, as if they depict a luxury not essential to life, the farthest notion from the truth.
  It is no secret that our waters are dissipating through pollution and climate change, being coveted and stolen through corporate greed. With an increasing human population, it is a commodity that we must turn our respectful attention towards.  Simply stated, our survival depends on it.

The exhibit is also listed at Tourism Montreal. NOVEMBER  Art Event's list.