Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holiday Season 2013 by Montreal Photographer Hera Bell

Time flies by.
Another year has come to an end.
I am thankful to God,
For giving me life,
An amazing husband,
A loving supportive family,
And true friends that I can count on.

Past will always become a past,
Today is today, which we should embrace
And future is unknown, yet we should look forward to.

Happy Holidays to everyone who visit my blog.
Near and far.

May your heart be filled with joy instead of anger.
May your pathway be bright and open.

PS: Eastern Townships Quebec at a snowy day.

The frost below was photographed with my Android cell phone from my parent's window. Then turned into an animated gif.

Studio Hera Bell, Montreal portrait photographer, Montreal Boudoir Photographer, Montreal glamour photographer, Montréal Hera Bell, Black nude model Montreal fashion photographer